We Do More Than Talk Trash!
All are welcome to join TrashTalk! Our goal is to improve recycling, composting, and disposing of unwanted items through education and by working with entry coordinators, mutuals, GRF staff, RecycleSmart, and Republic Services.
Our Next Meeting is Monday, Sept 9 at 10 a.m. in Multipurpose Room 1
At this meeting we'll brainstorm about how TrashTalk can broaden its efforts to bring sustainable practices to events hosted by clubs, Rossmoor recreation, and individuals who rent facilities for a club, organization, or a personal event.
We Want to Exapnd Our Team!
Help us develop policy and solutions that will educate our neighbors about how to dispose of their stuff. If you're interested or have questions, send an email to trash.talk.rossmoor@gmail.com. Don't forget to check out theRossmoor Phonebook for helpful recycling information.
New to Rossmoor?
New to Rossmoor or confused about the rules? Click these links for help.