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Sustainable Rossmoor

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Solar Committee

The original impetus behind Sustainable Rossmoor was solar -- how can we get the GRF to consider solar for our common buildings and how can we make installing solar easier for individual Rossmoor owners.

Sustainable Rossmoor has been highly successful in these initiatives. We were instrumental in getting the GRF to build the solar farm near MOD which now saves all of us $100,000s a year. Some of our founding members played a major role in getting the legislature to pass AB634, the bill that gives you – a condo owner – the absolute right to install solar on your building's roof. More recently Sustainable Rossmoor has inspired several hundred individual Rossmoor owners to install solar on their own roofs.

Our goal is to continue encouraging the adoption of solar at Rossmoor, by individual owners, by the Mutuals, and by the GRF.

NBT - the Net Billing Tariff

As of 15 April 2023 residential solar is governed by this new tariff which really requires you to install both solar and a battery to get the most out of a new solar installation. Click on the link for a full explanation of this tariff and what it means for you.

More information will be coming here about coping with power outages and installing solar if you choose to proceed


Sustainable Rossmoor was a major proponent of ensuring that condo owners like us had the right to install solar on our roofs.